Holidays, 2015

Holidays, 2015
A Winter Scene - red door, a dusting of snow, and a vintage bicycle

Monday, September 12, 2011

From the Heart, or was that from the Lungs?

I just wanted to share something that happened about this time last year but I lost track of the photographs and JUST FOUND THEM!!

I had gone away with two of my daughters to California, and while I was away, my sweetheart did something VERY ROMANTIC!!  I know you girls are going to LOVE THIS....Life wasn't always this wonderfully romantic.  It takes a special man to be this sweet and I didn't find him until the century turned into the current one.  Well anyway.....he picked me up from the airport and these balloons were hanging from the outside of the garage....
this alone was a feat with the winds we often have in Colorado!
When I came INSIDE the house, there were little balloons here and there.....
balloons on the floor

balloons on the chairs

and a WHOLE lot of balloons in my bathtub!!

and the closet?  Well, I couldn't get the door open!!

When I did, they tumbled out all over the bedroom floor
So, what did they mean?  Was it my birthday?  NO, he told me that he wanted me to know how many times he thought of me while I was makes me kind of tear up right now just remembering it.

                                                     I am BLESSED


  1. Wow. Beyond sweet. The woods picture is too magical to b real...

  2. That is too cute & I are so lucky that we found the right men in the end. I join you in feeling blessed! Getting excited about tomorrow! Will let you know everything, wish you were coming too! xoxo HUGS

  3. Oh my golly Rod is such a cutie! I am so happy that you have found your sweetheart soul-mate who adores you and is not afriad to show it xoxo

  4. That my friend is romantic! What a very special man you have! I loved the room you showed the other day, the chair is cute!

  5. What a dear guy he is, Joann!! I am so very glad you two found each other...and I really think that since it took a bit of time for you to cross paths, that makes your journey together, so much richer!! Sending a big hug your way for great days ahead,...Sherry xxxxx


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