Holidays, 2015

Holidays, 2015
A Winter Scene - red door, a dusting of snow, and a vintage bicycle

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Happy New Year Everyone!!

Here's to a wonderful, blessed, productive, joyous, love-filled year....

Spread the joy, be your best.... 

Embrace the NOW!!

A week before Christmas, Mr. Hubby and I visited my mom in Arizona.  She is nearly 86 and doing quite well; however, it is quite apparent that she and her husband cannot be on their own for much longer.  They have a single family home and it is very difficult for the two of them to maintain.  We try to get there at least 4-5 times a year to do maintenance, check on them, and get them out to someplace they don't normally do, like an afternoon tea or something a little special.  

This time, they had tree trimming to do and mom wanted me to help her put on a dinner for two neighbors who have been very helpful to them.  She still does the cooking, for the most part, but is too tired for all the prep work and the two of us got our aprons on and put on an event. 

It was actually quite fun!!

Then, my mom did some of her German baking for me to take home goodies for Christmas for the rest of the family.  Here she is making the dough for a German bread filled with poppyseed. 

Here, the dough is beginning to rise in large bowls covered with tea towels. 

She begins to roll out the dough.

Here's all the filled rolls set out in the warm kitchen rising before they go into the oven. 

And here they are all finished and covered in powdered sugar. 

It gets more and more difficult to leave, but we had to go to prepare for all the company we were having at our house.  

The tree was up and hung with all the wonderful treasures sent to me from my dearest of friends...some far, far away....some who I have never met!!

some of the ornaments were received in past years and some were new this year!!

AND, we always have to add a candy cane or two!

Here's the tree and looking across into the dining room.

some of my little treasures are from my childhood!

LOTS and LOTS of meals were served in this dining room over the holidays...from breakfasts to brunches to dinners to midnight snacks.  It was also the 'game table' for lots of family games and laughter. 

We got the granddaughters a new legos set that was a Christmas village.  Grandpa took 'Round I' of the task of putting it all together.  Many adults took their turns helping the little ones figure it all out.  In the end, it was an adorable scene!!

The holidays are times for the 'swanky swigs' juice glasses and lots of green tabasco sauce on beloved egg dishes in the morning...

On January 1, my youngest daughter and her husband packed up their things and their yellow lab and headed back to was so wonderful seeing them and having them here....hopefully, they got a much needed rest after her challenging quarter of obtaining her PhD.  Mr. Hubby's son was here, too, from California where he is working on his PhD at UC Berkeley.  On January 2nd, he headed to Ethiopia because he is working on a cookstove project for his engineering thesis. 

Above, my oldest daughter receives one of her 'baby shirts' in her stocking.  Everyone was squished into the tiny front room around the tree opening their stockings and presents but nobody seemed to mind.  It was the fun of coming together, being together, and feeling blessed. 

A few packages arrived after Christmas which extended the holiday even more!!!!!  
A new MOOSE ornament now graces the tree which is STILL UP, I'm very proud to say.  I'm going to turn the outside lights off tomorrow.... but the tree will glow a little bit longer. 

a new bracelet, some chocolates from far away, and a Moose from last year makes the scene once again!


see the boy on the left in the blue shirt???

He works with my middle daughter.  

He is an identical twin with the other young man. 

Almost two years ago, the boy in the blue introduced his brother to my daughter...

(we like him alot)

About 2 weeks ago, he came over to our house and asked for our daughter's hand in marriage. 


AND, on Dec. 27th, he proposed. 

Here's the actual picture of both of them just minutes after the proposal in Breckenridge, CO

He took her tubing and on a sleigh ride.....

Details to come....

No date yet....

OK, let's plan a wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's to 2013!!


  1. Oh, Joann, what a wonderful, heart-warming post! I loved seeing photos of your Mom and her baking. How fortunate you are to have her in your life and the opportunity to share these special moments together! Your home looks so cozy and inviting for the holidays. It's lovely to see the whole family united for Christmas. And the big wedding news!!! My congratulations to you, Cadie and her fiance! A holiday romantic! 2013 is going to be full of fun adventures for all! Thanks for sharing all the happiness with us!

    P.S. I love your new background! xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Rosinda--- I'm glad YOU can see the new background because I can't!!!!! Yes, there's going to be LOTS of planning and work to do in 2013!!! Maybe you need to move a little closer!!

  2. So happy for you all, Joann...I finally got round to reading this joyous post, so glad I did! What a amazing & exciting news for you to start the New Year! Congratulations to the betrothed, beautiful couple. Wonderful to see your mom too, and those fabulous loaves...I adore poppyseed filling , is it mohne in German? Wishing you, Rod & the whole family a brilliant, love & luck-filled 2013, with my love xoxo


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